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  • ...
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Add features from the "Feature report" pane to get details reports.
You will find all saved features here.

Select a layer to view its associated legend.
  {{legend.shortName}} {{ legend.shortName }}
Select a layer to view its associated meta data.

The layers in this category (e.g. cartographic text, transport and water) can be overlaid on your map as contextual information.

This layer represents the estimated maximum potential nitrogen leaching losses if the land were under dairy farming. It does not represent the actual land use at each location. Land that is unsuitable for dairy e.g. too steep, is masked out. The data is derived from a spatial layer that includes various dairy types characterised by specific climate, slope, and soil properties. Nitrogen loss rates are estimated using the Overseer® Nutrient Budgeting software (version 6.5.0), which models nitrogen run-off and leaching below the root zone from livestock urine patches and other non-urine sources such as fertiliser or soil mineralisation.

The data reflects the 2019-2020 production year, based on DairyBase data. Soil data from S-map and FSL, slope data from a 15m DEM, and climate data were used to develop this layer. Nitrogen losses are reported in kg N per hectare per year.

Add features of interest to generate a report

To draw a custom area on the map
  • Click multiple times around the map to create a custom area
  • To close your selection area, double click on the map or click on your starting point



{{ activePane == 'Features' ? sharedState().paneTitle : activePaneTitle() }}


Add features of interest to generate a report

To draw a custom area on the map
  • Click multiple times around the map to create a custom area
  • To close your selection area, double click on the map or click on your starting point

Custom features


  • ...
Predefined features


Add features from the "Feature report" pane to get details reports.
You will find all saved features here.

The layers in this category (e.g. cartographic text, transport and water) can be overlaid on your map as contextual information.

This layer represents the estimated maximum potential nitrogen leaching losses if the land were under dairy farming. It does not represent the actual land use at each location. Land that is unsuitable for dairy e.g. too steep, is masked out. The data is derived from a spatial layer that includes various dairy types characterised by specific climate, slope, and soil properties. Nitrogen loss rates are estimated using the Overseer® Nutrient Budgeting software (version 6.5.0), which models nitrogen run-off and leaching below the root zone from livestock urine patches and other non-urine sources such as fertiliser or soil mineralisation.

The data reflects the 2019-2020 production year, based on DairyBase data. Soil data from S-map and FSL, slope data from a 15m DEM, and climate data were used to develop this layer. Nitrogen losses are reported in kg N per hectare per year.

Select a layer to view its associated legend.
  {{legend.shortName}} {{ legend.shortName }}

Configure your map

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