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  • ...
Predefined features


Add features from the "Feature report" pane to get details reports.
You will find all saved features here.

Select a layer to view its associated legend.
  {{legend.shortName}} {{ legend.shortName }}
Select a layer to view its associated meta data.

The layers in this category (e.g. cartographic text, transport and water) can be overlaid on your map as contextual information.

This layer provides a representation of the annual mean susceptibility of nitrogen loss, considering soil and climate factors at each pixel. It focuses on the vertical movement of nitrogen due to rainfall and soil moisture. The data was derived from the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) model, which simulated nitrogen loss from a urine patch in a continuous ryegrass/white clover mixed pasture setup.

The spatial resolution of this dataset is based on a 5km climate grid, using the Fundamental Soil Layers and S-map soil polygons. It is important to note that this analysis does not take into account land use or actual nutrient inputs, focusing solely on inherent soil and climatic conditions. The resulting susceptibility values are scaled between 0 and 1, providing an indication of the relative level of nitrate filtering function at each location.

Add features of interest to generate a report

To draw a custom area on the map
  • Click multiple times around the map to create a custom area
  • To close your selection area, double click on the map or click on your starting point



{{ activePane == 'Features' ? sharedState().paneTitle : activePaneTitle() }}


Add features of interest to generate a report

To draw a custom area on the map
  • Click multiple times around the map to create a custom area
  • To close your selection area, double click on the map or click on your starting point

Custom features


  • ...
Predefined features


Add features from the "Feature report" pane to get details reports.
You will find all saved features here.

The layers in this category (e.g. cartographic text, transport and water) can be overlaid on your map as contextual information.

This layer provides a representation of the annual mean susceptibility of nitrogen loss, considering soil and climate factors at each pixel. It focuses on the vertical movement of nitrogen due to rainfall and soil moisture. The data was derived from the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) model, which simulated nitrogen loss from a urine patch in a continuous ryegrass/white clover mixed pasture setup.

The spatial resolution of this dataset is based on a 5km climate grid, using the Fundamental Soil Layers and S-map soil polygons. It is important to note that this analysis does not take into account land use or actual nutrient inputs, focusing solely on inherent soil and climatic conditions. The resulting susceptibility values are scaled between 0 and 1, providing an indication of the relative level of nitrate filtering function at each location.

Select a layer to view its associated legend.
  {{legend.shortName}} {{ legend.shortName }}

Configure your map

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