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No layers added yet
- ...
Add features from the "Feature report" pane to get details reports.
You will find all saved features here.
{{ legend.shortName }} | |
The layers in this category (e.g. cartographic text, transport and water) can be overlaid on your map as contextual information.
This layer indicates the necessary load reduction to achieve at least the NOF (National Objectives Framework) C-band for E. coli levels in critical catchments. The NOF C-band, part of New Zealand's freshwater management framework, ensures water quality suitable for secondary contact recreation, such as boating and wading.
The map layer visualises the yield proportion, which is calculated by dividing the E. coli load (expressed as giga E. coli organisms per hectare per year (Giga E. coli/ha/yr)) by the catchment area. The yield proportion is used to show the reduction required, expressed as a percentage of the current E. coli yield. For example, if a catchment currently yields a certain amount of E. coli per hectare per year, this layer shows the proportion of that yield which must be reduced to meet the NOF C-band standard.
The underlying data was derived using spatial statistical models to compare predicted E. coli concentrations against criteria defined by the NPSFM (National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management). The analysis spans a 5-year period from 2016 to 2020, providing average annual loads and focused on reducing excess E. coli loads to meet the NOF C-band. The data is based on the digital river network used by the River Environment Classification (REC).
N.B. Data has been clipped using LINZ 1:250k lakes, therefore the map will show no data and there will be no reporting over these areas.
Add features of interest to generate a report
- Click multiple times around the map to create a custom area
- To close your selection area, double click on the map or click on your starting point
{{ activePane == 'Features' ? sharedState().paneTitle : activePaneTitle() }}
{{ activePane == 'Features' ? sharedState().paneTitle : activePaneTitle() }}
No layers added yet
Add features of interest to generate a report
- Click multiple times around the map to create a custom area
- To close your selection area, double click on the map or click on your starting point
- ...
Add features from the "Feature report" pane to get details reports.
You will find all saved features here.
The layers in this category (e.g. cartographic text, transport and water) can be overlaid on your map as contextual information.
This layer indicates the necessary load reduction to achieve at least the NOF (National Objectives Framework) C-band for E. coli levels in critical catchments. The NOF C-band, part of New Zealand's freshwater management framework, ensures water quality suitable for secondary contact recreation, such as boating and wading.
The map layer visualises the yield proportion, which is calculated by dividing the E. coli load (expressed as giga E. coli organisms per hectare per year (Giga E. coli/ha/yr)) by the catchment area. The yield proportion is used to show the reduction required, expressed as a percentage of the current E. coli yield. For example, if a catchment currently yields a certain amount of E. coli per hectare per year, this layer shows the proportion of that yield which must be reduced to meet the NOF C-band standard.
The underlying data was derived using spatial statistical models to compare predicted E. coli concentrations against criteria defined by the NPSFM (National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management). The analysis spans a 5-year period from 2016 to 2020, providing average annual loads and focused on reducing excess E. coli loads to meet the NOF C-band. The data is based on the digital river network used by the River Environment Classification (REC).
N.B. Data has been clipped using LINZ 1:250k lakes, therefore the map will show no data and there will be no reporting over these areas.
{{ legend.shortName }} | |
Use this facility to create printable PDF maps in A4, A3, A2 and A1 size and in portrait or landscape layout.
The extent of your map is shown by the blue box. Click on the box and drag it around to change the geographic location of your map.
Changing the scale or paper size will affect the amount of detail or the size of the geographic area that will appear on the map.
The maps can include any map title.
This map generation process may take a few minutes.
The print request exceeded the maximum supported size due the complexity/amount of geometry in the requested extent. Try printing a smaller area of the map.
3rd party layers will not be included in PDF maps.
DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW before the PDF download window appears. Closing the window will interrupt the creation of your PDF file.