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Add features from the "Feature report" pane to get details reports.
You will find all saved features here.

Select a layer to view its associated legend.
  {{legend.shortName}} {{ legend.shortName }}
Select a layer to view its associated meta data.

The layers in this category (e.g. cartographic text, transport and water) can be overlaid on your map as contextual information.

This layer comes from the Threatened Environment Classification (TEC) version 2012, which is a source of national scale background information on New Zealand's land environments. Specifically, it shows how much native (indigenous) vegetation remains within land environments, and how past vegetation loss and legal protection are distributed across New Zealand's landscape. The TEC uses indigenous vegetation as a surrogate for indigenous biodiversity. This includes indigenous ecosystems, habitats and communities: the indigenous species, subspecies and varieties that are supported by indigenous vegetation, and their genetic diversity. The TEC is most appropriately applied to help identify places that are priorities for formal protection against clearance and/or incompatible land-uses, and for ecological restoration to restore lost species, linkages and buffers. The TEC is a combination of three national databases: Land Environments New Zealand (LENZ), classes of the 4th Land Cover Database (LCDB4, based on 2012 satellite imagery) and the protected areas network (version 2012, reflecting areas legally protected for the purpose of natural heritage protection).

For more information see: Cieraad E, Walker S, Price R, Barringer J. 2015. An updated assessment of indigenous cover remaining and legal protection in New Zealand's land environments. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39(2).

Add features of interest to generate a report

To draw a custom area on the map
  • Click multiple times around the map to create a custom area
  • To close your selection area, double click on the map or click on your starting point



{{ activePane == 'Features' ? sharedState().paneTitle : activePaneTitle() }}


Add features of interest to generate a report

To draw a custom area on the map
  • Click multiple times around the map to create a custom area
  • To close your selection area, double click on the map or click on your starting point

Custom features


  • ...
Predefined features


Add features from the "Feature report" pane to get details reports.
You will find all saved features here.

The layers in this category (e.g. cartographic text, transport and water) can be overlaid on your map as contextual information.

This layer comes from the Threatened Environment Classification (TEC) version 2012, which is a source of national scale background information on New Zealand's land environments. Specifically, it shows how much native (indigenous) vegetation remains within land environments, and how past vegetation loss and legal protection are distributed across New Zealand's landscape. The TEC uses indigenous vegetation as a surrogate for indigenous biodiversity. This includes indigenous ecosystems, habitats and communities: the indigenous species, subspecies and varieties that are supported by indigenous vegetation, and their genetic diversity. The TEC is most appropriately applied to help identify places that are priorities for formal protection against clearance and/or incompatible land-uses, and for ecological restoration to restore lost species, linkages and buffers. The TEC is a combination of three national databases: Land Environments New Zealand (LENZ), classes of the 4th Land Cover Database (LCDB4, based on 2012 satellite imagery) and the protected areas network (version 2012, reflecting areas legally protected for the purpose of natural heritage protection).

For more information see: Cieraad E, Walker S, Price R, Barringer J. 2015. An updated assessment of indigenous cover remaining and legal protection in New Zealand's land environments. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39(2).
Select a layer to view its associated legend.
  {{legend.shortName}} {{ legend.shortName }}

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